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Barcelona 1 International Boogaard V Buuren

International Barcelona falls prey to the combination Boogaard - van Buuren (Amsterdam, NL)
Alongside rivers, over lakes and behind hills, villages and towns Barcelona 2011 finally ended up in a one-two between two fantastic metropolises. Evelyn flew from the capital of Catalonia to Amsterdam, the capital of the lowlands, and was the fastest pigeon from an entire European convoy. Marco van Buuren and Piet van de Boogaard are the fortunate fanciers who ‘flagged’ their Evelyn at 04h59.

The combination Boogaard/ van Buuren is not unknown in the classic of the long distance races. They had the best Barcelona-pigeon international 2008-2009 with their ‘Katsu’ and now the first international with their ‘Evelyn’.
‘Evelyn’, NL 07-1625890 :
1st International Barcelona 2011 against 26044 pigeons
1st National Barcelona 2011 against 7046 pigeons
729th National Barcelona 2010 against 7016 pigeons
637th National Tarbes ZLU 2009 against 3601 pigeons
716th National Bordeaux 2008

Who doesn’t know the ancient song about the pigeons on the Dam in Amsterdam, who come and eat breadcrumbs out of your hand? Nice for the tourists, but the pigeons from the combination Boogaard/ van Buuren are another matter. The homeport of Amsterdam is the only thing that these pigeons have in common. It is like comparing apples to pears and it makes no sense to make no distinction between the two. Marco and Piet are fanciers who treat the pigeon sport seriously. In the end all the races are dedicated to that one race which is raced once a year. Races with afternoon liberation serve as training for Barcelona.

‘Katsu’, NL 06-2030950:
10th International Barcelona 2009
5th National Barcelona 2009
34th International Barcelona 2008
12th National Barcelona 2008
With their ‘Katsu’ the gentlemen have previously shown what they are capable of. Now, with the performance from their ‘Evelyn’, they have put Amsterdam fully on the map where the pigeon sport is concerned. The lofts are above their catering establishment. Their accommodation consists of three small lofts. They even speak of ‘the big loft’, but this is no more than 2 metres by 3 metres. The loft has 24 boxes and houses 40 to 50 racing pigeons. In addition there is a small loft of 2,5 metres by 2 metres containing 40 youngsters and some yearlings. The eight breeding couples are housed in a loft measuring one and a half metres by a metre. They don’t just breed with these eight couples, but also with the racers.
The pigeons they own come from various lines. In the first place out their own ‘Katsu-line’. This pigeon comes out the “Champ”, a cock which won a prize from Barcelona in 1996, ’98 and ’99. At the time Piet still raced in the combination Jonkmans/Boogaard. In addition, Marco and Piet also have direct pigeons from Gebr. Hagens. There are also lines from a.o. the Gebr. Bruggeman in their loft. It comes down to them relying on a high quality for the racing pigeons

The lofts are also in order and the care is optimal. Piet and Marco keep to an intensive training programme for their pigeons. As well as the shorter races from the club and an extreme middle distance race twice, they also take their pigeons away to train them themselves twice a week. Usually about 70 kilometres, but sometimes they even go to the North of France where they liberate the pigeons in 1 group. The pigeons train around the loft twice a day, compulsory with the flag. They are given good and enough fatty food. For the big races Piet and Marco let their racers race with a nest. Evelyn raced with a 7 day old youngster. She braved part of the night in order to get home as soon as possible. They were very successful from Barcelona with 5 of the 7 pigeons in the prizes.
A full sister of ‘Evelyn’ is the 07-1625881 . This hen is named ‘Chanty’. This hen also went to Barcelona and was the 141st reported pigeon National Barcelona 2011.
‘Chanty’, 07-1625881 :
141st National reported pigeon Barcelona against 7046 pigeons
19th National St. Vincent 2009 against 6052 pigeons
776th National Tarbes 2009 against 3601 pigeons
888th National Bordeaux 2008
A son of ‘Evelyn’ proved the good breeding worth of the International Barcelona winner. He won a nice prize on exactly the same day as his mother, in the overnight race from Montpellier by arriving in Amsterdam at 08h17.
The early homecoming of ‘Evelyn’ was a big surprise for Piet and Marco. Concerned about the race, Piet got out of bed early. He was very surprised to find a pigeon waiting at the loft. After he had telephoned Marco, Piet clocked at 04h59:47. A velocity of 1594,89 mpm from a distance of 1237 km. Piet and Marco are still in a daze with this marvellous victory. They are slowly beginning to realise that they have the first international Barcelona 2011 in the pocket. A successful one-two then for this good collaborative duo.
boogaardbarc96; 1 Intern. Barcelona 2011

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