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larger image Mulligan's Place Loft Supplements & Medications Necessary to Kee
Before we discuss the various supplements (vitamins, minerals, etc.) and medications we use to keep our birds healthy all year long, let us assume that we all agree that we are doing everything possible to prevent contamination of water and feed. We understand that poor drinking water, spoiled feed and poor loft hygiene spread bacteria, viruses, micro-organisms and other disease producing factors, and that improper diet lowers the birds' resistance to fight them. Thus, we maintain regular quality feed (stored properly), a fresh watering schedule, and a sanitized loft, drinkers and feeders.
For years, our philosophy has been that supplements and medications are effective and necessary preventative measures, to promote physical growth and improve resistance against illness and stress during the racing, breeding and moulting seasons.
We use the term prevention, instead of cure, because we try not to let the situation get to the point where we are trying to cure sick birds (reduced activity, ruffled feathers, loss of weight, diarrhea, nasal discharge, throat mucous, heavy breathing, etc.). Prevention means that we administer medications whenever our birds are exposed to other birds, during stressed situations, and when there is the potential of exposure to highly infectious and very common diseases.
Also, we believe that without the use of supplements and medications a fancier is unable to insure perfect health, development, conditioning, performance and success for an entire race season (10-16 weeks of racing).
Many fanciers believe that these products are not necessary, however, we must advise them that all of the top lofts use various forms of supplements and medications. Their results speak for themselves.
We know of no "Champion Loft" that is on just a water / grain diet. It has long been known that the standard grain mixtures do not contain all the nutritious substances in sufficient quantities for young birds to develop.
A. Natural Supplements
1. Fresh Garlic
2. Onions
3. Honey
4. Lemon
5. Lettuce
6. Apple Cider Vinegar
B. Vitamins
1. Multi-Vitamin Electrolytes
2. Wheat Germ Oil
3. Brewer's Yeast
4. Winsmore
C. Minerals
1. Liquid Minerals
2. Powder Mineral Mix
3. Pickstones
4. Oyster Shells
D. Teas - Herbal Teas
E. Feed (Other than the Regular 14%-16% Protein Pigeon Mix)
1. Rice and Safflower
2. Brown's Bucket O' Gold Treats
3. Pellet's 21% Protein
4. Raw Spanish Peanuts #1 Grade
F. Vaccines
1. PMV-1
2. Pox
G. Medications- We like to use at least 2 different medications for each of the following: Canker, Coccidiosis, E. Coli, Paratyphoid, Respiratory, Worms. We have had great success with the following medications:
1. Canker- Ridzol, Emtryl
2. Coccidiosis- Amprol (Corid), Sulmet
3. E. Coli- Amoxycillin, Vetisulid
4. Paratyphoid- Sulmet, Amoxycillin, Baytril
5. Respiratory- Aureomycin, Gallimycin, Terramycin, Tylan
6. Worms- Ivomectin, Telminec-40
H. External Parasites
1. Insectrin
2. No-Pest Strips
3. Bath Salts
I. Disinfectants
1. Bleach
2. Nolvasan
3. Belgian White
Breeders - Four (4) weeks before breeding season all potential breeders are put through a complete medication program. After each treatment for specific disease, we give the Birds 2-3 days of vitamins, electrolytes and minerals. During breeding season, the birds receive vitamins, minerals and electrolytes in water, 3-4 times a week. Also, we use garlic, onions, lemon, honey and teas at least once a week.
We offer greens at least once a week, with fresh grit everyday (free choice with extra oyster shells). Note: We use as much grit as feed during breeding season. We use Pickstones 1-2 times per week. We offer Pellets 21% protein as a free choice at all times. We give a few raw Spanish Peanuts, #1 Grade everyday when the breeders are feeding young.
Flying Teams (Old and Young)
We use supplements on a daily basis. We give them either in water or free choice. The birds need these vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and teas to supplement their diets.
We ask a lot from our birds. We feel that because they are kept in an unnatural environment, these supplements are necessary to maintain proper health. We use medications strictly as a preventative. Daily Loft Cleaning and Disinfectants are very important.
We use little medication when the birds are loft flying. However, when we start road training (3-4 weeks before the first race) they come in contact with other birds, and we treat them for the most common diseases. We continue this until the end of the race season.
We feed grain mixtures 14-16% protein, plus added safflower, rice and treat. We add Raw Spanish Peanuts, #1 Grade to their diets as the races get tougher and longer. Peanuts must be given 4-5 days before a race to be the most effective.

Moulting Season
We us very little medication during this period unless we see something wrong. This is a very stressful time, and a very important one for the success of birds for breeding or flying. We give supplements daily, along with 21% pellets, quality grains and extra safflower.
We firmly believe that if a bird does not complete an even natural, healthy moult, its potential for racing or breeding for that year is lost.
If you believe pigeons are athletes, and that athletes must be physically and mentally fit and alert all year round, then so must your birds. The cost of providing the necessary supplements and medications to be competitive and to win top prizes is relatively cheap.
It always amazes us that fanciers will put $50 or $100 bands on birds, nominate and pool hundreds of dollars in one race, maybe even thousands, and then cut costs by not giving their birds the proper care so that they may have a serious chance to win.
A major concern of many fanciers is the cost of these supplements and medications. However, fanciers can purchase these necessary products at a reasonable cost if they keep a small number of quality birds.
We make a commitment to keep our pigeons healthy. Remember, with good health comes reward and success.
Mulligan's Loft has always taken pride in being a true ambassador for our sport. We have always made ourselves available to all who may meed assistance, information or advice. We have no secrets, but we will certainly share our experience and information. We are a phone call away.

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